“No matter what your history has been, your destiny is what you create today. What are you going to create?”
-Steve Maraboli
I am a 21-year-old collegiate athlete and student. I am studying law and communication arts at Hood College, of Frederick Maryland. While being a student I freelance in graphic design, concentrating on info-graphics and anything within the print media.
Many people who learn about my major think they are two opposing majors. However, when you place them together they are but one in the same. My majors are teaching me how to understand the world through its legalities and institutionalizations, while at the same time teaching me to observe the world with an artistic lens and patient mind.
When my time is not occupied in sports, school, work, or over planning my future I volunteer in programs that deal with teaching children in sports, music, and small pro-bono graphic seminars.
While I am very active in my social life I also need “me time”. Me time, includes, running, playing the piano or singing, hitting the movies with friends, working on photography, drawing, and creating some personal designs, or even sketching out my future house – just for kicks and giggles.